Welcome to the 2024/2025 School Year!
Sign up or renew your membership today!
Sign up or renew your membership today!
Our Mission
The Ridgecrest PTA will support and enhance the education and well-being of every child as well as foster an inclusive environment that promotes the involvement of all members of the school community
Upcoming Events: Próximo evento: Check out our Events Calendar! ¡Consulta nuestro calendario de eventos! February 3rd, 6-8pm RC Skate Night @Lynnwood Skate & Bowl 3 de febrero, de 18 a 20 h Noche de patinaje RC en Lynnwood Skate & Bowl February 10th - 28th RC Read-A-Thon Del 10 al 28 de febrero Maratón de lectura RC February 13th, 6-7:30pm STEM Night @ Ridgecrest - free event for all RC families 13 de febrero, de 18:00 a 19:30 h Noche STEM en Ridgecrest: evento gratuito para todas las familias de RC March 12th: 6:30-8pm RCPTA General Meeting - RC Library - childcare provided 12 de marzo: 6:30-8:00 p. m. Reunión general de RCPTA - Biblioteca RC - Se proporcionará cuidado de niños |
Check out what is coming up!Tickets On Sale Now!